Are you attending college or university? If so, something to consider: having a base degree still isn’t going to cut it in today’s job market! 

If you really want to get off to the right start career wise, why not look to a high-potential and rapidly emerging profession such as collision and Paintless Dent Repair (PDR)?


Consider a new career in PDR & collision repair

As the difficulty of acquiring brand-new auto body parts continues, the demand for PDR and collision repair technicians has never been higher! And when it comes to auto body repair and equipment curriculum, no one does it better than NexGenPro, Period! 

With our comprehensive program, you can open up doors to a rapidly growing industry and get ahead of the competition with real-world knowledge needed to succeed. Our courses are designed to make the learning process easy, so whether you’re an entry-level student or an experienced graduate looking to innovate your skills, we have something for everyone.


Uncover limitless possibilities with NexGenPro

Whether you’re just getting started or already have some PDR and collision experience, it’s never been easier to acquire new skills and set yourself apart in this exciting field. Learn the fundamentals of repair and how to find the right mix of products, methods, and tools for each job. 

Start your journey today with the NexGenPro Automotive Training Institute! Sign up now and gain hands-on training from industry experts to become a certified PDR and collision repair technician in no time!