Miracle Glue Dent Removal training school

NexGenPro: Miracle Glue Dent Removal Method

Written By: A.W.W. Barry

Between the gargantuan hassle of ordering new parts and innovation of dent removal tools, there has never been a better time for auto body repair facilities to pivot towards technology and training that specializes in repairing rather than replacing panels. Many facilities have already made the transition, picking up tools like PDR (Paintless Dent Repair) and GPR (Glue Pull Repair) equipment.
Such is the reason we created our NexGenPro system of repair – because when you’re upscaling your company’s innovation, you need a distributor you can trust, and no one makes panel repair tools the way we do, period!
And at the heart of the NexGenPro process of repair lies the Miracle Pro Panel Repair System and the Miracle Glue System therein – a glue pull repair system, and yet so much more as the top-of-the-line of next generation panel repair tools and equipment that will soon define the auto body repair industry.


NexGenPro Miracle Glue Panel Repair

NexGenPro features the Miracle Pro system of repair, including the Miracle Glue system, a glue pulling system that allows technicians to make quick and noninvasive panel repairs while remaining true to the innovation, strength, and dependability of the original Miracle System.

While professionals are hesitant to even lump Glue Pull Repair as a form of Paintless Dent Removal, the Miracle Glue Panel Repair System takes glue pulling to another level. For one, the Miracle System is great for aluminum repair – on which we will elaborate in the following point. Though what is more revolutionary is the fact that the Miracle Glue system is the first glue pulling system with true ability to perform PDR.
It is true that using glue pull repair hasn’t always been a dependable way to pull dents and damage without causing further damage to the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) paint or panel – and specialized training is required to use PDR equipment. This means the same training would be needed for glue pulling equipment, which would be impractical given the previously low success rate.

Miracle Glue changed that with their innovative and dependable design that provides better productivity and handling. Mix that with our NexGenPro system of repair, and you’ve got a viable, simple, and nonintrusive option for restoring damaged panels to their original glory.


Glue pull panel repair works on aluminum

According to a study performed by ResearchAndMarkets.com, the global automotive aluminum market is worth $25.4 billion as of 2021, and is expected to rise to 43.4 billion within the next 5 years – and with good reason.
Aluminum is twice as lightweight and just as strong as steel, tested to be highly safe and functional. Overall, it has been proven to be the superior material and the foundational compound for all future models. But how do the added benefits of aluminum panels translate to the body repair shops?
The Miracle Glue System works on aluminum as well as it does steel, making it a highly inclusive method of damage repair, capable of handling any make or model. What’s more, they present an inexpensive alternative to tools like aluminum welding that specialize solely in aluminum frame repair.


Types of glue pulling tabs

The Miracle Glue System is composed of a large array of glue pads and hooks, among other things. The tabs alone are highly varied in size and head texture, all of which are specialized for
different levels of damage. In short, these tabs are boiled down to 3 types based on size and designation:

Collision tab: The largest sized tabs designed to target the most catastrophic panel damage repair tasks with enough delicacy to keep inner systems intact.

PDR tab: medium-sized tabs for moderate to severe panel damage, designed to pull out dents while preserving the OEM paint, if it is salvageable.

Finishing tab: quarter size and under, ideal for small hail damage and finishing repairs for larger projects.


Types of Miracle Glue repair kits

The fully-stocked Miracle Super Glue Kit features the best that Miracle Glue has to offer, which is perfect for PDR and aluminum repair. It can also be used with other tools using specialized adapters.


The full kit includes:

15 pcs. Glue Pad, Single Pull Small, Medium, and Large Round
15 pcs. Glue Pad, Versatile Small, Medium, and Large
15 pcs. Glue Pad, Flexible Small and Large
15 Glue Sticks
1 x Glue Gun, UL Listed
1 x Scraper for Tab Removal
1 x Hex Wrench Short
1 x Hex Wrench Long
1 x Plastic Punch 3 pcs.
1 x Plastic Hammer


Standalone kits include:

Miracle Super Glue Gun
Miracle Glue Hook Set
Hooks for Single Pulls
Hooks for Large Dent Pulling
White Glue Sticks, 15pcs.Miracle Super Glue Pad Single Pull 15pc Set
Miracle Super Glue Pads Versatile 15pcs. Set
Miracle Super Glue Pad Flexible 15pcs Set
Miracle System Light Punch 3pc Set
Miracle System Scrapper
Miracle System Hexagon
Miracle System Light Hammer


NexGenPro Tools & Training Academy

Again, operating the Miracle Glue System to efficiently perform Paintless Dent Removal isn’t easy to do without the right skills – nor is any kit in the Miracle Pro System, which is why we
established the NexGenPro Academy in the first place.
Make no mistake – the move towards revitalizing parts has already started, so optimizing such methods will be the key to thriving in the industry for years to come. Luckilly, our instructors specialize in Miracle Pro AND PDR, providing our students with the best intersectional training that is guaranteed to prepare them for the future of auto body repair.
If you have a desire to innovate your operation and get ahead of the technological curb, consider the best in the game to help up your game – because no one uses or makes panel repair tools like we do, Period!


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